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In the beginning, there was God, family.  We believe the mysterious nature of a triune God where perfect love flows in and out.  To Love is to fully give Love and to fully receive Love, free-flow. God models that in relationship with themselves, no barriers, boundaries, or margins, complete vulnerability. God extends a fourth relationship of adoration and affection to us, humans, and more specifically, you.


Jesus's vulnerability led to a sacrificial torture that gave us freedom.  Our barriers to emotional vulnerability are similar, and will lead to increased closeness with others and God as well as pain. 


Modeling God's Love of Family is to learn better how to remove internal barriers so we can more better fully give and fully receive love. This goes back to "the work" of healing our wounds with God and others and moving forward without anything to hide, prove or fear. We can think our way into a new way of behaving, and we believe it's more effective to behave our way into a new way of thinking and feeling.


We strive to have a more expansive kinship view of family while honoring the more naturally intimate relationships God orchestrated

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