What are the Odds I have Interpreted my Life Accurately?
Zero, the odds are Zero. Emotional health, I believe, is embodying the truth of our identity as beloved sons and daughters. Throughout my life, lies have landed on and embedded in my heart and has convinced me otherwise. Those lies germinated in the recesses of my identity and like weeds spread into my subconscious thought-life, emotional-wiring, and mal-adaptive behaviors. As a child, I was vulnerable to these lies. To defend myself from further injury I protected, attacked, postured, and ran away from people and situations I believed would cause further injury. This resulted in patterns, blind-spots, that hurt myself and others in relationships. How did I regain lost ground and heal these wounds? By processing with God and processing with others. We must return to the wounding moments with God and a trusted/skilled other and relive the moment. As we look at ourselves from God's perspective we can forgive others, forgive ourselves, and see our identity through the eyes of Belovedness.
I believe I am a beloved son and warrior, that I am in the midst of the Greatest Love Story in the midst of Fiercest Battle, and that the Good God is doing in my life is related to all of the concentric circles on the homepage.
As I've healed, fog has lifted, dirt has been swept out from under the rug, rocks have been overturned, and the invisible bricks I've carried around as baggage has been discarded. The result? Healthier emotions, healthier body, healthier relationships, more courage, more self-esteem, and more confidence. Less to Hide, Less to Prove, Less to Fear. More Life, More Love, More Freedom.
As I've gained further buoyancy in life against the lies of the past, I can't escape being triggered, unsettled, and disoriented daily. However, the tools I've gained of pattern recognition, identity grounding, and thought re-framing, I'm able to more easily navigate the God-given challenges and stressors as well as the oppressive whispers and attacks of the enemy.
How have I found some healing?
Processing with friends, family, and others.
Processing with a professional - counselor, coach, and spiritual guide.
I highly suggest everyone does this periodically throughout their life.
Conversations/Questions with God
"God, where am I hurting?"​
"God, what are you inviting me into?"
"God, how do you see me?"
"God, what is your nature?"
God and Self-illuminating Content processed with God
I will share some of the most valuable content that has helped me along my journey:
The Enneagram
When I first listened to the 7 described I felt naked. I couldn't believe someone was describing me so accurately in a way I had never verbalized. This is many people's first experience. I have sense read 9 books, listened to over 200 podcasts, and attended a conference on The Enneagram, very 7 of me. The Enneagram has been an invaluable tool in me understanding my history, patterns, and relational blindspots. It's also been the language and vehicle Kendra and I have used to go deeper into our wounding messages and patterns. And has been extremely helpful in becoming more informed, gracious, and curious with all of my other relationships, from family, to workplace, and beyond.
Books are not friends, but sometimes they really feel like it. Click on the logo to the right to review my top goodreads bookshelf of healing books in order of most impacting to least. To make the list they had to be really good though. Contact me for a specific recommendation.
I listen to a lot of podcasts. It's probably my favorite way to consume knowledge and wisdom. I'll list some here and you can ask me about any recommendations.