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As we were driving north from Savannah Georgia to Ohio, we were feeling restless about traveling, adventuring, seeing, tasting and exploring life. On our path was Durham, North Carolina where dad sought out a community and a home called the Rutba House. They practiced radical hospitality, inviting others to live with them, praying together every morning and night and eating together everyday for dinner.  Given to us was a copy of "The Wisdom of Stability". As we thumbed through the pages we found the wisdom of rooting ourselves in a place to grow relationships and impact. 


At one point we debated moving to the Sandusky/Cleveland area to put our roots.  Instead, we grieved the loss of thickened relational sinew with Paul's family and landed here, mostly because of God's leading with Paul's work. 


Our prayer for our family is to develop rhythms of relationships with our community, Troy to Dayton, that strengthen, stretch, and support us as we raise you. 


We want to love and be loved in a multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multi-class community.  As the roots grow deeper, we pray for more good fruit to yield.  We know that human nature often involves fractured, frayed, strained and broken relationships, and we pray we navigate those lovingly, with grace, courage and forgiveness as our guide. 

Future Stories of Life in our Community:
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